Leaders in Workforce DevelopmentLeaders in Workforce Development
Alameda County Workforce Development Board (ACWDB) members are respected leaders from different businesses and agencies (private and public) and bring a wealth of experience and diverse perspectives to workforce. The Board Chair, Vice Chair, and Committee Chairs are listed below. For a complete listing of board members and the companies and organizations they represent visit the Board Member Roster.
ACWDB and committee members meet regularly. Join us at an upcoming board or committee meeting! Board and committee meeting schedules, agendas and packets can be found on the board and committee page.
Board and Committee Chairs
Board Chair
Kelly Johnson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Board Vice Chair
Matt Pawluk
Evolve Manufacturing
Youth Committee Chair
Prem Bajaj
Systems and Strategies Chair
Matt Kreutz
Firebrand Artisan Bread
Organizational Effectiveness Chair
Chiman Lee
Corporate E-Waste Solutions